Challenges Can Bring Beauty

 Challenges and trials are guaranteed to every single person who is born onto this earth; however, the way we respond to them are a choice WE get to make. As I reflect back on the challenges my family and I have faced, I am reminded of God's tender mercies. We were never left alone, and we had an opportunity to grow and learn in every single situation we were placed in. I would like to share one of these experiences with you today.

When my sister was about 8 years old, she went through a trial that was unexpected and caught us all off guard. She was at church one day and she began to feel pretty severe pain in her stomach so she left her class and went into the hallway. My dad was substituting a primary class that day, which was a rare occasion, and noticed her in the hallway. After accessing the situation my dad rushed her home and off to the hospital. After church, the rest of us, along with my mom went home and were told what was going on. I don't remember fully processing what was happening but I know that my mom and dad kept us updating the whole time. My dad wanted my mom to be able to be at the hospital with him and my sister, so he called up a neighbor and friend, who was able to get my mom to the hospital. My dad wanted us to be taken care of as well so he asked our trusted neighbor if we could come over for awhile. I remember as we were heading out the door to go to their home, I decided to lock the door, just as I was always taught. We arrived at their house and they welcomed us in. We played games and her older children hung out with us. When it approached bedtime, she told us that we could head home now to sleep. I then informed her that we had locked the door behind us and had no way back in. She graciously listened and then set up arrangements to let us stay the night. Her teenage kids then took us under their wings and helped us while our parents were gone. We watched a movie, ate a lot of candy, played games, and enjoyed each others company. The next morning we woke up and were fed breakfast. Looking back I can see how we were able to use the resources of friends to help us in this time of hardship. I can also see how my dad and mom were able to communicate with each other and also us to make sure we were all on the same page. I rarely felt fear or anxiety about this situation. Over the next couple of weeks, my mom stayed at the hospital with my sister. I remember one time staying at my aunts house, because my dad wanted to give my mom a break from sleeping at the hospital. They were in this trial together and I can see how this played a role in strengthening my family instead of bringing us down. The young women in our ward brought over a candy poster for our sweet sister. We didn't even know these young women, but we were aware that they cared about her and us in this hard time. We had the opportunity to visit Saramae a couple times at the hospital. In some weird way, she seemed generally happy every time we did so. She told us about her nurses, showed us the stuffed animals she earned, and shared with us her experiences. On one of the days it was time for her to do her daily walk. She expressed to the nurse that she didn't want to because it hurt. The nurse acknowledged her feelings, but encouraged her to do so anyways. All of us as a family went into the hallway and helped her on her walk. We cheered her on and walked with her every step of the way. We were able to show her our love and support by helping her through her hard times. After a couple of weeks she was finally able to come home. On the way home we stopped at the store and Saramae began to cry. After some convincing, she expressed to us that she was crying because she missed the nurses at the hospital; they had been so nice and loving to her. She did not want to leave them behind. Even though our family went through a trial, we were blessed in so many ways because of it. Years later, while talking about this experience, my mom explained how this was a blessing for her and Saramae's relationship. Before this experience my sister was very angry and would blow up at my mom all the time. They did not get along. After this trial in which my mom had to spend many nights with her, my sister was able to see the love my mom had for her. Not right away, bur progressively after this experience their relationship began to grow and was strengthened for the better.

Looking back over this experience I am able to see all the many tender mercies set in place to help my family grow in love and support from this trial, instead of being separated and distanced. We relied on our resources, each other, our positive outlook, and the many blessings we were receiving. This experience not only strengthened us then, but it strengths me now as I reflect on the beautiful it experience it was.


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