What roles do you play in your family?

In every family system, individuals as well as groups play a special role. These roles may consist of comforter, leader, supporter, mediator, or distractor. What roles do you play in your own family? I would like to share some of my own personal experiences about this topic in hopes to help you get an idea of what role you may play in your family. I feel like my role is the peacemaker, friend, and comforter. If you were to ask anyone who knew me when I was little they would say that I was always the one reaching out to those in need. I never wanted to be apart of contention and I would do all I could to avoid it or help others figure out their problems. I feel as though the roles I play in my family are also gifts I have been given. They have been strengthened through experiences in my life. My dad played a big role in helping me to become a better friend. In my younger years I played on a club soccer team. My dad came to most of my games and practices and he began to notice that our keeper was left out a lot of the times and the other girls on the team were not nice to her. Being the great man and teacher he is, he encouraged me to go and talk to her. This was scary to me and I was not sure how she would react. However, I followed my dad’s council. I am not sure what impact this had on her life, but I know that these simple moments stuck with me. Fast forward to my high school years. I was always the one to reach out to the new freshman on the soccer team and give them someone to talk to. I loved to do this, and I gained so many friendships because of it. I am so grateful that my dad helped me start with the basics and that I can make more of an impact on people today. My role as being a friend was strengthened as my dad encouraged me to reach out to others and develop this gift. Trials in my life have been another thing that has impacted my roles in the family. I found myself feeling alone and not being able to care for myself in my early teen years. I had to let others be my source of care and love for a long time. I learned to trust in and turn to Christ. Because of the struggles I was going through I had to let others be the friends and peacemakers to me. Looking back roles in my family were changed, but as a family unit we were strengthened. My parents became more unified. For me, through these experiences I have gained more compassion and empathy for those who are struggling. I was able to develop this gift of mine in ways I would not have been able to without my life experiences. One example of this is when I had the opportunity to talk to a young woman whom I knew. I had received a feeling that I needed to go and talk with her. I knew she was going through some things in her life, but I had no idea about the details. When we got together, we were able to share our stories and trials with each other. She was able to see that she was not alone and that she was being watched over by her Heavenly Father. Through my own struggles I was able to bless her in a way that she needed. I felt inadequate that she was willing to share her struggles with me, but I also knew that I was being an instrument in God’s hands. Without the experiences and understanding I had learned over the years of my life, I would have not been able to communicate with her in the way I needed to. Throughout my 18 years of life, my role in my family has been altered but has been a stronghold for my family. Each and everyone of us has an important role and I have seen how and when they have come into play in circumstances big and small. I encourage you to find out what roles you play in your family unit or what roles you want to play in your future family. Take a look at talents and gifts you have and see how those can make a difference in your families lives.


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