Coming to know your true identity and purpose!
"All human beings—male and female—are created in the image of God. Each is a beloved spirit son or daughter of heavenly parents, and, as such, each has a divine nature and destiny. Gender is an essential characteristic of individual premortal, mortal, and eternal identity and purpose." - Gordan B. Hinkley
Have you ever asked yourself, who am I really? Do I have a purpose? Where did I come from? Why am I here? You are not alone! Many people have asked this question.
This is what I have come to learn about my identity and my purpose in life...
I believe everybody has the opportunity to discover the answers to these questions for themselves. Once you come to discover who you really are and who you can become, your life will be changed for the better. I know that I am a daughter of God. I have believed this since I was a little girl. As I got into my teenage years there was a lot of confusion in the world about this truth. However, what I know is that this knowledge makes me happier, kinder, willing to help others who are struggling, and gives me hope for the future. Same-gender attraction and homosexuality has been a big topic in the world around us and maybe even our own lives. I have come up with a couple common questions about this. Does it make a difference whether you act upon these attractions or whether you don't? Are you born with these attractions or do other factors play a role? There is a lot of opinions on these things in the world.
What I would like to share with you today is what I have come to see in my life and what I have learned from others research on these questions. I believe that every single person has the ability to choose whether or not they act upon any physical inclinations they may experience. This includes same gender attractions. "Learning to choose the things of the spirit over the things of the flesh is one of the primary reasons why this earthly experience is part of Heavenly Father's plan"(Giving Our Spirts Control). If you are like me, I was scared of this topic. However, as I come to know this truth and the gift of agency I have been filled with hope. You don't have to be like the world, you can stand out and be different. The things we surround ourselves with effect the way we think and act. I have chosen to surround myself with things that bring me closer to God. This helps me to be able to give my spirit control over my physical body.
Now, I do understand that same-sex attraction is real. As I have learned more about this topic I have come to find that many factors may play a role in people experiencing these desires or wanting to experience these desires. But I also know that ever person has agency. You can choose to live a chaste life worthy of the holy ghost.
I believe that as you come to know that you are a divine son or daughter of God, and that you existed before this earth life, you will have the courage and the perspective to understand anything that comes in your path. You will be able to face any challenge that comes your way and have the strength to live by your standards.
I am in no way perfect, but I know that as I trust in Gods words, and remember who I am, I am given strength to keep trying. You can to! You can come to understand this topic for yourself. You can come to answer the questions, who am I really? Do I have a purpose? Where did I come from? Why am I here? I hope that this gives you a start. Keep Going, Don't Give Up, and Remember You Are Not Alone.
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