
Showing posts from December, 2020

Fulfilling Children's Needs

Parenting is a world that I have not come to yet. I have however been the child in a home with parents. Every single home and set of parents, rear their children a little different; obviously because they have different children, different needs, different cultures, etc. However, there is defiantly some "better" ways to parent. As a parent, you are to provide children with their needs and the opportunity to grow into good human beings and ultimately eternal beings. It is a great responsibility, yet an even greater blessing. I would like to share with you a basic pattern in helping parents to help fulfill their children's needs and recognize why children may be acting the way they are. All people have needs in their lives. These needs are even greater for children and teens from their parents. Where there is a need, their is ways to seek to fulfill that need for good and bad. This pattern has three connecting factors which consist of needs of child/teen, child's mistak...