
Showing posts from November, 2020

The Value of Work

What do you think when you hear the word work? In the world today, work is something that people try to avoid. I hear people say, I should get payed for doing this, I hate my job, why do I have to do chores, I want to grow up and marry a rich man, etc. Yes, work is hard sometimes, it is time consuming, you will fail, and you will have to sacrifice, but what it teaches you is worth it all. In the For The Strength of Youth book it states, "Work is honorable. Developing the capacity to work will help you contribute to the world in which you live. It will bring you an increased sense of self-worth. It will bless you and your family, both now and in the future. There are many ways to teach work in a family unit; through chores, working in the yard or garden, service, etc. I believe that the actual task is not what is important, yet the lessons that can be learned are things that will carry with you into the future. These may include... Learning to rely and trust in each other. Shared g...

Challenges Can Bring Beauty

 Challenges and trials are guaranteed to every single person who is born onto this earth; however, the way we respond to them are a choice WE get to make. As I reflect back on the challenges my family and I have faced, I am reminded of God's tender mercies. We were never left alone, and we had an opportunity to grow and learn in every single situation we were placed in. I would like to share one of these experiences with you today. When my sister was about 8 years old, she went through a trial that was unexpected and caught us all off guard. She was at church one day and she began to feel pretty severe pain in her stomach so she left her class and went into the hallway. My dad was substituting a primary class that day, which was a rare occasion, and noticed her in the hallway. After accessing the situation my dad rushed her home and off to the hospital. After church, the rest of us, along with my mom went home and were told what was going on. I don't remember fully processing w...