What do you want your future family to look like?
What do you want your future family to look like...do you want kids, how many kids, will you marry? These are questions that I have been able to ponder over the last week. I have learned that everyone has different views and have been taught different values on these subjects. I want to share with you what I believe and what I have come to know in hopes that it will bless your lives and that when you think about the future you can see things with more hope. Family trends in the world are beginning to show that people view family in a different light than they have in the past. Divorce is becoming more common place, intercourse outside of marriage is increasing, and fewer kids are being born. These trends have come to pass because of many different reasons and events. Many people just follow after their families; they just accept what they have always seen. However, I have come to learn that as you expand your visions and come to know truths for yo...